Wednesday 08/25/10

Skill Work
If you can do a free-standing handstand, how long can you hold it?

Team WOD
In teams of 2, complete the following for time:
400m run (each)
50 Burpees
100 Sit-ups
40 Burpees
80 Sit-ups
30 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
20 Burpees
40 Sit-ups
10 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
400m run (each)

Finish one exercise before moving on to the next, e.g., the 50 burpees must be completed before starting on the 100 sit-ups. The burpees and sit-ups may be split up however you desire, but each teammate runs a 400 at the beginning and again at the end of the WOD.

Peter and Lori N. demonstrating their synchronized pistols

1 comment:

Phil W said...

Skill Work
If you can do a free-standing handstand, how long can you hold it? (Phil - 3 seconds)

Team WOD
In teams of 2 (3), complete the following for time:
400m run (each)
50 Burpees (75)
100 Sit-ups (150)
40 Burpees (60)
80 Sit-ups (120)
30 Burpees (45)
60 Sit-ups (90)
20 Burpees (30)
40 Sit-ups (60)
10 Burpees (15)
20 Sit-ups (30)
400m run (each)
Darin, Seth and Phil were the single team of 3 > 19:00.

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