Wednesday 10/13/10

Push Press

Strict Pull-ups

Assisted pull-ups - 3 x 10
Bodyweight pull-ups - 3 x 15

10 min EMOM of the following dumbbell complex:
3 DB Hang Cleans
3 DB Push Press
3 DB Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunge (3/side for a total of 6)
(Courtesy of CrossFit KC)

DB loading is 45% BW (total, not per DB). Note that these are hang cleans, not hang power cleans, so you must receive them in a full squat position.

Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunge: Hold both DBs overhead, step backward with one leg into a lunge position, lightly touching knee to the ground.

Your score is recorded as "X/Y," where X = # of rounds completed on the minute and Y = # of rounds completed for the remainder of the 10 minute period.

 Spinning the rope - Seth, Phil, and Rob


Phil W said...

Push Press

Strict Pull-ups
Assisted pull-ups - 3 x 10
Bodyweight pull-ups - 3 x 15
Actual - 15,7,5

10 min EMOM of the following dumbbell complex:
3 DB Hang Cleans
3 DB Push Press
3 DB Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunge (3/side for a total of 6)
Prescribed weight is 45% (22.5% each db; for me, this would be 35#)
Actual - 20#, completed all 10 rounds EMOM.
20# too light on cleans and presses, just right on OH lunges.

Lori Newburn said...

Back Squat - Deload
40% (55)x 5
50% (70)x 5
60% (80)x 5

Strict Pull-ups
Assisted pull-ups -
warmup 10 @ purple+green
red+green reps: 4,7,4

10 min EMOM of the following dumbbell complex:
3 DB Hang Cleans
3 DB Push Press
3 DB Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunge (3/side for a total of 6)
Prescribed weight 45% (40#ea)
Actual - 15#ea
completed 5 rounds on the minute
completed 3+ rounds until time

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