Monday 12/06/10

Great job everyone on the Food Challenge!  We hope you are all enjoying the results of your hard work, and that you will continue to eat well.  We are also pleased to announce the winners of the Food Challenge!  Sharon and Peter are the women's and men's divisions champions!  Both of you were very thoughtful about what you ate, and it shows!  We will have prizes for you at your next classes - Great work!

Back Squat - Deload
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5

50-40-30-20-10 reps of

Compare to 05/03/10.

Just a quick reminder that TSC grows when you bring your friends - and now is a great time to get some new folks interested!  Lots of people will be thinking about getting "in shape" around this time of the year, and you all know a great place for them to do that!  Remember we all started somewhere, and we all have a long way to go...and we can encourage each other along the way no matter where we are on the path.  Keep working hard, enjoy the results, and bring along a friend to experience the fun with you!

Let's keep filling up each class like this!
L-R: Peter, Paul, Lori, Rowdy, Sharon, Rob, Lori


AndyB said...

PTodd and Sharon ... Congrats! Nice work!

Unknown said...

PTodd said...

Thanks Andy and Thanks coaches for putting this together. Congrats Sharon. I plan on going Paleo 2011, but I'll have more free days and dip into the gray dairy area.

Phil W said...

Great committment and success, Sharon!

Back Squat - Deload
40% x 5 = 80
50% x 5 = 95
60% x 5 = 135
I increased the %/weights since I did not do the heavy loads last week.

50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double-Unders (all doubles)

Result = 10:38

JT and Becca Zahradnik said...

Back Squat - Deload
40% x 5 = 140
50% x 5 = 170
60% x 5 = 205

50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double-Unders (all doubles)

Result = 9:03

AndyB said...

**completed today (12/7) @ up fitness center
Back Squat - Deload
40% x 5 *130*
50% x 5 *160*
60% x 5 *195*

50-40-30-20-10 reps of

Paul Ash said...

Back Squat 5x5x5

50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double-Unders (I did X3 singles)

Lori G. said...

Back squat deload

40% 45-5
50% 57.5-5
60% 70-5

Annie 50-40-30-20-10 reps of
double unders
sit ups
(beat my old time of 11:48!)

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