Monday 04/12/10

Time: 7:30 p.m.

The following is taken with permission from CrossFit West Santa Cruz's site. I really appreciated the reminder, and I hope you all do, too.

The Long Haul
My sister is a dancer and actor on Broadway and she told me of a theater saying that I think has a lot of applicability to CrossFit. The saying, and I am paraphrasing here, is that you must ignore the good reviews along with the bad.
CrossFit is something that you are going to do for a long time. It is not a semester long class, it does not have an end goal, getting a muscle up and a 2xBW deadlift and you’re done, or your blood pressure to a certain number and your doctor off your back, for example. Fitness and health is a life long pursuit. As such, you will have great workouts and bad ones. There will be days when you are on fire and days when you are dragging. But, always remember, you are in this for the long haul, so you must ignore the good days along with the bad.
Of course, I want you to get excited when do well, I want you to be stoked when you PR. Get more confident, get more gutsy. Let that PR feeling carryover into your next workouts. But also keep it in perspective. If you get way too pumped by a good day, then you will fall even further when you have a bad day. Just as you have to let go of a bad day, you also need to let go of a good day too. Training, like life, isn’t about the extreme highs and lows, it’s about always pushing the median higher.
I know that always pushing the median higher may not be quite as exciting as the extremes, but it’s a lot more productive over the long haul and it’s a heck of a lot healthier.

Skill work:

For time:
30 Double-unders
3 rounds of:
400m Run
15 Tire Flips
30 Double-unders
You may share a tire with someone and flip it back and forth for reps. You may also have your own tire if no one else needs one. If two people flip "Papa Bear" together, those reps will count as well. If two people flip the other tires together, those reps will count 1/2 for each flip.



Lori Newburn said...

For time:
30 Double-unders(5 double unders/75 singles)
3 rounds of:
400m Run
15 Tire Flips
30 Double-unders(90 singles)


AndyB said...

Good job all!!!
30 Double-unders 30 w/ singles in between
3 rounds of:
400m Run
15 Tire Flips (1st baby bear,2 & 3 w/ mama)
30 Double-unders 30 w/ singles in between

Tee Jay said...

For time: 15:00
30 Double-unders
3 rounds of:
400m Run
15 Tire Flips
30 Double-unders

Lori Plummer said...

For Time:
I still can't do double unders, so after trying MANY times I ended up with 90 singles
3 rounds
400m run
15 tire flips
90 singles

Unknown said...

For time:
30 Double-unders (10 double/60 reg)
3 rounds of:
400m Run
15 Tire Flips (6 w/ mama & rest with baby)
30 Double-unders (10 & 60 again)


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