Wednesday 06/09/10

Push Jerk
5 x 5

Compare to 06/02/10.

150 Burpees for time

Are you seeing gains in strength and speed, but think you could do even better?  Are you getting stronger, but not necessarily leaner?  Would you like to be able to see your hard-earned muscles better?  Diet is the key.  Here is one option to consider if you are looking to ramp up your training, feel better, and look more "toned."

Andy with a nice OHS on 06/05/10.


AndyB said...

Split Jerk
5 x 5 135#

150 Burpees for time

Phil W said...

Push Jerk
5 x 5 105#
150 Burpees for time: 10:58

Tee Jay said...

I've done a bit of reading on the Paleo diet and I do like the concept behind the diet and the purpose of the diet. But after many years of reading up on and following various diets (not actually going on a diet, but just watching the diet landscape unfold) I've come to the conclusion that everyone has to find their own diet that works the best for them. For the last couple years, my approach has been to take bits and pieces from various diets that seem to work for me and include them in my own “nutritional design”. This doesn’t mean that I am always on a “diet”, but rather my diet is constantly being tweaked according to my current exercise regimen. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but you'd be surprised at how essential your diet, or what you eat, is to your overall workout regimen and your ability to lose/maintain weight. The key is long term consistency. Just like your work out regimen, results aren’t going to come overnight.

The idea is the same for people who might be slightly overweight or have never followed a diet before. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say, “I lost 10 lbs because I stopped drinking pop for a month!” or “I lost 10 lbs because I stopped eating fast food!” Don’t get me wrong, I think that’s great! But people need to realize that those next 10 lbs are going to be a lot tougher to drop, as your diet needs to evolve with your weight loss. People don’t realize they have to cut fast food out for good, if they want to lose more or maintain their weight. After picking the “low hanging fruit” they have to take it to the next level and start making additional tweaks and changes to their diet to continue to maintain or lose weight. Same holds true with a newly found workout regimen. If you’ve never worked out a day in your life, those first 10 or so lbs are going to fly off and you’re going to feel great about it. Find a workout regimen or series of cardio and strength training exercises that work for you and then to continue seeing results, you have to take it to the next level and push yourself harder every time. Everyone is different and the cookie cutter approach isn’t going to work for everybody. Again, the key is long term consistency.

Sorry for the long post. I enjoy talking about this stuff and have a slight passion for diet and nutrition. I’ve done so much in the last 3-4 years to tweak my own diet and exercise, I am still learning about what works for me and what doesn’t. I firmly believe it’s a lifelong process that, if you prioritize and make conscious decisions everyday, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your weight and fitness goals!

JT and Becca Zahradnik said...

Split Jerk at 135 lbs
WOD Time: 17:09

Split Jerk at 75 lbs
WOD Time: 17:53

Kiley said...

A few comments:
A) I am not great at timing pictures, so while I try to get you guys at your full depth, I sometimes fail. This probably bothers me more than it bothers you.

2) The Burpee Hexagon of Death today was awesome. You guys rocked it OUT!

C) TJ - I get what you mean about still working to figure out what is the best nutrition for YOU. I'm right there with you. And I'm also right there learning that it's a marathon, not a sprint as far as new habits go. Changing eating habits is hard, but when you start to see the results (no stomach problems, less fat, more energy) it becomes easier and easier to do.

4) I love it when you guys post your thoughts as opposed to just your times/weights. I love it that you post the stats, but even more that you feel open to discuss your thoughts here.

Unknown said...

Push Jerk
5 x 5 65#
150 Burpees for time: 20:20
I surprised myself tonight...didn't think I would be able to finish the burpees but I did. YEAH!

Lori G. said...

Hey Morning set the bar for times! We did not match your times, but it was great to see your posts before we went in the evening!

TJ...I wish I could find a diet that has only food that's good for me but is good lots of protein and carbs...I want to know when to eat certain foods for working out. I still need to master calories...fewer!

Push Jerk 5X5 53#

150 burpees for time

Lori Newburn said...

Push Jerk
5 x 5 65#

150 Burpees for time:

113 burpees @ 20 min cutoff

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