"The 12 Days of Christmas"
1 Bear Crawl
2 HSPU (Sub Shoulder Press)
3 KB Swings, 1.5 pood/1 pood
4 Power Clean and Jerk, 135#/95#
5 Deadlift, 225#/155#
7 Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunges, 45#/25# (bumper plates)
8 Wall Balls, 20#/15#
9 Box Jumps, 30"/24"
10 Double-Unders
11 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
This WOD is performed in the same manner as it's namesake - the first few rounds go as follows:
1st round: 1 Bear Crawl
2nd round: 2 HSPU, 1 Bear Crawl
3rd round: 3 KB Swings, 2 HSPU, 1 Bear Crawl
4th round: 4 Power Clean and Jerk, 3 KB Swings, 2 HSPU, 1 Bear Crawl
Christmas attire is encouraged! We will have several weights for people to choose from for each movement. Each person will not have their own bar for each lift. If you can show up a few minutes early, that might help everyone be more familiar with the layout prior to starting the WOD.
Kids Class:
"The 12 Days of Christmas"
Kids Class:
"The 12 Days of Christmas"
1 Bear Crawl
2 HSPU (Sub Shoulder Press)
3 Forward Rolls
4 Jumping Jacks
5 Deadlift
6 Sit-ups
7 Lunges
8 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps
10 Singles
11 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
Becky working on a 1RM Deadlift.
I am so bummed I won't be doing this with the rest of you. I'll be cheering you all on and Merry Christmas to everyone.
Sharon, I will do this twice and think of you during both of them.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all...a "no puking" night.
"The 12 Days of Christmas"
1 Bear Crawl
3 KB Swings, 2 pood
4 Power Clean and Jerk, 135#
5 Deadlift, 225#
7 Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunges, 45# (bumper plates)
8 Wall Balls, 15#
9 Box Jumps, 30"
10 Double-Unders
11 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
51:49 ... skipped round 11 due to time.
"The 12 Days of Christmas"
1 Bear Crawl (1 BB court width)
2 HSPU - 2 plate target
3 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
4 Power Clean and Jerk, 95#
5 Deadlift, 185#
7 Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunges, 45# bumper plate
8 Wall Balls, 15#
9 Box Jumps, 30"
10 Double-Unders - all
11 Pull-ups - all kipping, unbroken
12 Burpees (slowest set EVER!)
Result - 49:44
Thanks to our Coaches - we have come so far this year...watch out 2011!
Sincere wishes to everyone for a Blessed Christmas and safe, prosperous New Year!
"The 12 Days of Christmas"
1 Bear Crawl (1 BB court width)
2 HSPU - 2 plate target
3 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
4 Power Clean and Jerk, 95#
5 Deadlift, 185#
7 Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunges, 45# bumper plate
8 Wall Balls, 20#
9 Box Jumps, 24"
10 Double-Unders - all
11 Pull-ups - no bands just blisters
12 Burpees
Result - 49:16 (complete!)
I second everything Phil W said and add thanks coaches for all the encouragement :)
Yeah Buddy!
"The 12 Days of Christmas"
1 Bear Crawl
2 DB 15# Shoulder Press
3 KB Swings, 1 pood
4 Power Clean and Jerk, 53#
5 Deadlift, 95#
7 Overhead Reverse Alternating Lunges, 25# (bumper plates)
8 Wall Balls, 10#
9 Box Jumps, 18"
10 Double-Unders
11 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
50:35...didn't skip anything!
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