Thursday 02/03/11

Don't forget - here are some upcoming events we have this Saturday and next:

Snatch Seminar!!!
Date: Saturday, 02/12/11
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (starts right after the Saturday morning class)
Cost: Free!
Why?  We'll be working on the snatch in the weeks following this seminar, and to make the most of our class time, we want to make sure everyone has an understanding of - and more exposure to - the correct technique.  Whether you've snatched before or not, we strongly encourage you to attend this seminar - the snatch is a technical lift, and the more exposure you have to it, the better off you'll be.  Future seminars will not always be free, so make the most of this opportunity.  It's your training - own it.

Also, for those of you who are new (or just want to work on technique), we will have an "Intro to the Bench Press" mini-session this Saturday (02/05/11) right after class.  It will only take 20-30 minutes, and we're going to be getting into some regular bench pressing in the coming weeks, so come for the 7:00 a.m. class and stick around to learn some more! Those who have experience with the bench press are also welcome to attend and brush up on their technique.

Skill Work

Weighted Pull-ups

5 rounds AMREAP of:
30 sec KTE
20 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
20 sec rest
30 sec KB Swings, 1.5 pd/1 pd
20 sec rest

T.J. - done with the Crucible!


Tee Jay said...

Throwing down a little challenge for anyone who might be interested. It's called the "100 day burpee challenge". I was inspired by a couple videos I found on YouTube, from others completing the challenge too. It goes like this: Day 1, you do 1 burpee. Day 2, you do 2 burpees. Day 3 you do 3 burpees, and so on up to day 100, when you do 100 burpees. The burpees must be done all at once, but can include short breaks during.

I started the challenge on Tuesday, February 1st. Luckily, I twisted Phil Wandrey's arm hard enough to do them with me. For this challenge, I need some accountability, so I plan on taping my 25th, 50th, 75th and 100th day. If anyone else is interested, let me know. That way Phil W. and I can harass... er, help you to stay on track with us during the challenge. :)

Phil W said...

As I find my self unable to come to TSC, I have to find ways to workout at home...easy to do.
Today's home workout...
3 Burpees (TJ Challenge...easy so far)
100 squats, 100 pushups, 100 situps (I did 10 sets of 10 each) for time of 9:40.
Felt good to get a workout in, especially since I am working from home this week.
Hope you join the Burpee challenge!

Unknown said...

I'm in. Can't let you blokes have all the fun :) 3 burpees for today done. Did 3 more to make up my late start. My girl tried doing them with me. Very cute :)

Lori Newburn said...

Weighted Pull-ups
purple+red = 4reps
purple+purple = 5reps
purple+purple = 5reps
purple+red = 5repds
purple+red = 5reps

5 rounds AMREAP of:
30 sec KTE
20 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
20 sec rest
30 sec KB Swings, 1 pd
20 sec rest



JT and Becca Zahradnik said...


Weighted Pull- ups
5-5-5-5-5 w/ 10#

2 Red bands

5 rounds AMREAP of:
30 sec KTE
20 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
20 sec rest
30 sec KB Swings, JT (1.5) BZ (20#)
20 sec rest


KTE = 10,10,8,7,9
Burpees = 8,7,7,8,7
KB Swings = 12,11,10,10,15
Total = 139


KTE = 7,7,5,7,8
Burpees = 6,6,6,7,7
KB Swings = 14,13,13,14,13
Total = 133

Lori G. said...

skill work pistols...with a 10# plate while holding a pole (3 left leg,3 right leg) x 3

muscle ups (strict pull-ups)
5 purple/red
5 purple/red
2 red/red 3 purple
5 purple
5 purple

5 rounds AMREAP of:
30 sec KTE
20 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
20 sec rest
30 sec KB Swings,1 pd
20 sec rest

Round 1: 7-6-11
Round 2: 7-5-11
Round 3: 6-5-11
Round 4: 6-6-12
Round 5: 7-6-12

Total 136

Lori G. said...

OOOOps, I can't add!
My score is not's 118

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