Saturday 08/13/11

Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

"Uneven Grace"
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks

Guys: 135# (Bar + 50# + 40#)
Girls: 85# (Bar + 25# + 15#)

Break the 30 reps into sets of 5 - change positions (to the other side of the bar) every 5 reps. The cleans may be power cleans, and the jerks can be done as either push or split jerks.

Finale: Keep working on those handstands. Get 3 minutes upside down. You may substitute kick-ups instead at the rate of 15 kick-ups = 1 minute (or a total of 45 kick-ups).

Mobility Adventure - Day 6

Flipping and rolling!


Anonymous said...

Bench Press
2x5, 1x5+
175, 10

Uneven Grace

Lori G. said...

bench press
warm up 33-5, 43-5, 53-5
2x58, 7x58

uneven grace
38# and 43#

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