Tuesday 07/17/12

Location: Buffet Middle School

6:00 of 100m sprints on the :40.
Rest 3:00.
4:00 of 100m sprints on the :40.
Rest 2:00.
2:00 of 100m sprints on the :40.

Complete 50 squats in as few sets as possible, then spend 10 minutes stretching.

Kathy doing something awesome. It's 
a pistol, I think...but no matter what
it is she's doing, it's a great face!

1 comment:

Rowdy said...

"Man it's Hot out Here Sprints"
6:00 of 100m sprints on the :40
Rest 3:00
4:00 of 100m sprints on the :40
Rest 2:00
2:00 of 100m sprints on the :40

Actually ran 12 sprints on the first round, 8 sprints on the second round, and 4 sprints on the third round for a total of 24 sprints (2 miles)

Finished with 50 squats, first set of squats at 25.

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