Saturday 2015.04.04

Dawn hits up some overhead squats as she
battles "Nancy."  Nancy lost - Dawn won.

Note to everyone, if you did your strict pull-ups on Thursday, way to go! If you didn't, you'll be doing them today during either your power snatching or your deadlifting. If you missed Thursday's post, just scroll down to Thursday to see what we're talking about.

BBG (off)
Power Snatch
1st: Heavy double (10 min)
2nd: 85% x 2 x 2 (5 min)


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Push-ups (Assisted, regular, clapping, or slapping)
200m run

This goes as follows: 21 push-ups, 200m, 18 push-ups, 200m, 15 push-ups, etc. Choose one type of push-up and stick with it throughout the workout. In order from easiest to hardest, they are assisted, regular, clapping, and slapping.

Pick an area that needs work and mobilize it for at least 6:00.

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