Saturday 2015.04.11

Phil gets airborne as Katie prepares for box jumps.

Note to everyone, if you did your strict pull-ups on Thursday, way to go! If you didn't, you'll be doing them today during your skill work. If you weren't here last week to start working on the strict pull-ups click here and read the "Pull-up Notes" to see how this will progress.

4 cycles of:
1. Static handstand (no handstand walking)
2. Strict TTB/Strict Pull-ups (do pull-ups if you missed Thursday)
3. Pistols

Spend approximately 1:30 min working on each skill/movement (so each cycle is approximately 4:30). Set a goal for each skill in the cycle.

For time:
800m run
30 KB SDHP, 2 pood/1.5 pood
15 CTB Pull-ups
15 Burpees
400m run
20 KB SDHP, 2 pood/1.5 pood
10 CTB Pull-ups
10 Burpees
200m run
10 KB SDHP, 2 pood/1.5 pood
5 CTB Pull-ups
5 Burpees

Spend 6 minutes mobbing. Your choice - shoulders, hamstrings, back, quads, etc.

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