Thursday 2015.04.30

Announcement: There will be no class on Wednesday, 05/06/15, due to Concordia's Leadership Banquet, an event held in the gym at CHS.

Katie and Emma shoot some wall ball shots while Trey and Deb knock out some burpees.

BBG (off)
A) Snatch
1st: Heavy double (10 min)
2nd: 85% x 2 x 2 (5 min)

B) Strict TTB
3 x N (pick a manageable number for 3 sets, e.g., 3 x 5, 3 x 8, etc.)

Hang Snatch

3 rounds for time of:
5 DB Hang Power Snatch, left arm
5 DB Hang Power Clean, left arm
5 DB Push Jerk/Push Press, left arm
5 DB Hang Power Snatch, right arm
5 DB Hang Power Clean, right arm
5 DB Push Jerk/Push Press, right arm
20 Jumping Squats

You choose the DB load - this will be the DB you use for the entire workout.

GHD plank
3 x 30 sec

The GHD plank is performed by holding yourself in the top position of a back extension (i.e., your entire body is parallel to the ground, and you are face-down.  The same position can be achieved off the end or side of a bench if a partner holds your feet down.  You can load this movement by hugging a plate or bumper plate to your chest.

Mob your shoulders for 2:00/arm during the rest period.

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