Thursday 2015.06.18

Ady does a fantastic job locking out a snatch (top pic) and standing a clean up (bottom pic) in her first weightlifting meet at the Des Moines Open this past Saturday.  Great work, Ady!

4 cycles of:
1. Static handstand (no handstand walking)
2. L-sit

Spend approximately 1:30 min working on each skill/movement (so each cycle is approximately 3:00). Set a goal for each skill in the cycle.

Complete for time or 30 min AMReAP (whichever comes first):
100 Squats
100 Sit-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Scaling options
A) Regular push-ups - choose this option if you can get 30 or more push-ups unbroken
B) Push-ups on a bar - choose a height with which you can get 30-40 push-ups unbroken

A) Kipping pull-ups (no bands) - choose this option if you can get 25 or more pull-ups unbroken
B) Supine bar rows - choose a height with which you can get 30-40 rows unbroken

GH Bridge
3 x 30 seconds

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