Thursday 11/04/10

10 min to work up to a heavy snatch balance

"Tabata This"
Tabata intervals are applied to (in the following order) pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. A one minute break is taken between different exercises (for a total of 3 one minute breaks).

A tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest - this is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. So . . . 8 intervals of pull-ups, 1 minute rest, 8 intervals of push-ups, 1 minute rest, . . . you get the picture. In this WOD, record your lowest interval from each exercise and add them to get your score. For example, suppose your workout looked something like this:

Pull-ups: 5-4-3-2-2-2-3-1  Lowest: 1
Push-ups: 10-8-8-7-6-6-4-4  Lowest: 4
Sit-ups: 12-11-11-6-4-4-5-5  Lowest: 4
Squats: 12-12-12-10-10-8-7-7  Lowest: 7

Your score would be 1 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 16.  Consistency is key.

 Lori N and Lois


AndyB said...

10 min to work up to a heavy snatch balance *175*

"Tabata This"
Tabata intervals are applied to (in the following order) pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. A one minute break is taken between different exercises (for a total of 3 one minute breaks).

A tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest - this is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. So . . . 8 intervals of pull-ups, 1 minute rest, 8 intervals of push-ups, 1 minute rest, . . . you get the picture. In this WOD, record your lowest interval from each exercise and add them to get your score. For example, suppose your workout looked something like this:

Pull-ups: 4
Push-ups: 5
Sit-ups: 9
Squats: 11
Your score would be = 29.

Unknown said...

Peter said...

My first Tabata. I didn't read the web posting prior and all were onboard and I was like Tabata what!

Pull-ups: 3
Push-ups: 6
Sit-ups: 9
Squats: 10
Your score would be = 28

If I knew Andy was doing 11 squats I would have gone for 11.


Lori Newburn said...

10 min to work up to a heavy snatch balance >> 63#

Tabata this:

should have used purple+green bands

Unknown said...

10 min to work up to a heavy snatch balance...75# (tweaked back a little-work on narrow landing).

"Tabata This"
A tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest - this is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. In this WOD, record your lowest interval from each exercise and add them to get your score.

Pull-ups = 4 (Green/Red band)
Push-ups = 6 (form was suffering)
Sit-ups = 9
Squats = 12
Total score 31

JT and Becca Zahradnik said...

Heavy Snatch Balance
JT = 1x 205 easy
BZ = 1 x 95, 100

Tabata This:
Pull ups = 5
Push ups = 6
Sit ups = 9
Squats = 14
Score = 34

Pull ups = 0 Hands started to tear
Push ups = 6
Sit ups = 10
Squats = 11
Score = 27

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