Back Squat
Find a new 1RM
Rest a few minutes.
Find your 1 RM
Rest a few minutes.
Snatch EMOM
65% of 1RM
For 5 minutes, on the minute, complete the lift. Keep track of how many rounds you succeed. This weight shouldn't be excessively heavy, this is a form exercise. You should be fatigued at this point, so focus on great form for each one of these lifts.
Here's an update on a high school track star (Hallie Kuhlman) - who trains using CrossFit. She's pretty fun to watch!
Working on CTB Pull-ups. Keep building!
Back Squat
Find a new 1RM *315*
Find your 1 RM *185*
Rest a few minutes.
Snatch EMOM
65% of 1RM
For 5 minutes, on the minute, complete the lift. *75*
Back Squat
New 1RM =160#
1 RM =60#
Snatch EMOM
65% of 1RM
For 5 minutes, on the minute, complete the lift. 33#
Back Squat
Find a new 1RM
PR'd at 205, almost got 215...very happy with this result and looking forward to conquering 225 by end of next 12 week program.
Shoulder pain prevented any other workout tonight...need to recover for the
"12 days of Christmas" next week...gotta get the outift ready too.
Back Squat
Find a new 1RM *360*
Find your 1 RM *145*
Rest a few minutes.
Snatch EMOM
65% of 1RM
For 5 minutes, on the minute, complete the lift.
Back Squat
Find a new 1RM -205
Find your 1 RM -95
Snatch EMOM
65% of 1RM
For 5 minutes, on the minute, complete the lift. -45
Back Squat
Find a new 1RM -235
Find your 1 RM -115
Snatch EMOM
65% of 1RM
For 5 minutes, on the minute, complete the lift. -45
Back Squat 1 rep max
45-5,75-5, 95-3, 115-1, 120-1
1 Rep Max: 125
Press 1 rep max
45-5, 50-3, 55-1, 60-fail
1 Rep Max: 55
EMOM 5 minute
1 snatch 33#
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