Thursday 12/02/10

Today is the first day of Kids Class!  Let's fill up this trial run class so we can keep it going into the new year! See you (and your kids!) tonight at 7:30!


Compare to 11/03/10.

3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest of:
3 SDHP, 105#/75#
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps, 24"/18"

Kids Class:

Basic movement skill training
- Squat
- Burpee
- Push-up
- Bear Crawl
- Shoulder Press

Agility Training

3 rounds for time of:
1 Bear Crawl
3 Shoulder Press
5 Burpees
10 Squats

Phil and I recently went snowboarding with some friends.  The last time I did that was about two years ago, and I wasn't nearly as strong then.  I could not believe the difference the confidence I felt on the board this time.  Since I haven't been practicing the sport, it wasn't because I had gained skill, it was because I'd gained strength.  But that strength allowed me to gain skill from a little bit of practice!

I kept thinking about how many people never try new things because they are scared or because they are so out of shape they can't.  It's my hope that everyone at TSC takes advantage of the health and fitness they work so hard for and that each of you will continue to try new activities on a regular basis.  So go ahead, give roller skating skeet shooting a whirl and let me know how it goes!

When's the last time YOU tried a new sport?  


Phil W said...


3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest of:
3 SDHP, 105#/75# (95#)
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps, 24"/18" (24")
Rd 1: 3 rounds+3 SDHP,6 PU, 2 jump
Rd 2: 3 rounds+3 SDHP,6 PU, 5 jump
Rd 3: 3 rounds+3 SDHP,6 PU, 1 jump

Unknown said...

Why that is a great idea! Try a new sport! How about a TSC broomball team!!! The best cardio, sprinting on and off. You just chase a little ball around the ice and try to whack it into the net. Sounds easy right :)

Kiley said...

Peter - That's a great idea! =) I just asked my friend Becky about it, and I'll let you know what she says! Monday nights, right? What time again?

Also, great job to Elizabeth last night! She represented the Kids very well and did a super job with everything we worked on! Keep it up, girl!

Tee Jay said...

5-90, 5-115, 5-145, 5-165, 5- 185

3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest of: 3 SDHP - 75#, 6 Push-ups, 9 Box Jumps - 18"

1 - 3 rounds +3 SDHP
2 - 3 rounds
3 - 2 rounds +3 SDHP, 6 PU, 3 jump

Here's my dilemma. Started TSC last Feb and made great strides in my strength and conditioning up through Aug. Then, took 2 months off (I mean, I took them WAY off). Now I fight these memories of what it was like before I left and realize I have to start all over again from scratch. Trust me, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

So, my goals are to get back into it as quickly as possible. I want to be stronger and faster this next season than I was this past season.

See you all in the weight room...

AndyB said...

New Sport for me: Falconry ... watched a special on tv ... falconry = hunting w/ birds ... hawks or eagles ... all i need to do is catch said bird, 2 year apprenticeship and good to go ... wish me luck!


3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest of:
3 SDHP, 105#
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps, 24"
1 x 3 complete
2 x 3 complete
3 x ... thru 4 x box jumps

Unknown said...

5-5-5-5-5 (Not sure what I was thinking on this...went up way to fast on the weight...only did 4 sets b/c my back felt it a little on round 4)
5-135#, 5-165#, 5-185#, 5-185#, 0-0#,

3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest of:
3 SDHP, 105#/75# (65#)
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps, 24"/18" (18") worked on rebound jumps.

Rnd. 1: 3 rounds + 2 SDHP
Rnd. 2: 3 rounds
Rnd. 3: 2 rounds + 3SDHP + 6PU + 2 box jumps

Unknown said...

Falconry... chirp, chirp!

Time off :(

Broomball is Friday and Sunday nights.

Lori G. said...

deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
95,115,135, 145, 155(PR!)

3 minute amrap with 1 min off

3 sdhp 65#,6 push ups,9 18" box jumps

r1 r2 r3
2 + all 2 + all 2 + all
but 7 box but 5 box but 8 box

Paul Ash said...

Deadlifts 5x5x5x5x5
3 rounds of 3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 rest of:
3 SDHP, 75#
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps, 24"
-2rounds +finished to 5 box jump
-2 rounds + finished to 4 box jump
- 2 rounds + finished to 1 push up

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