Wednesday 12/01/10

This is the first week of Kids Class!  Remember to bring your kids and your friends' kids!  Kids Class is in the evening on Thursday and in the morning on Saturday.  We will need a parent to sign for each child before they can participate.  Lets get some kids movin!

Also, remember there is a bonus class this Thursday morning at 5:30 a.m. to make up for the Saturday we canceled last weekend!  See you there!

Bench Press

Compare to 11/06/10.

For time:
1/2 Down-back
10 Thrusters
1/2 Down-back
10 Push-ups
1/2 Down-back
10 KB Swings, 1 pood
1/2 Down-back
10 Push-ups
1/2 Down-back
10 Thrusters

Compare to 12/30/10.

Peter is growin' up!  
What are some ways you have grown since starting with TSC?


AndyB said...

What has Andy learned: 1. Need to eat better ... thanks to Paleo food logs ... eitherway ... Testify has increased my metabolism (no more acid reflux problems) 2. Gravity is our enemy as we age ... Testify rocks and is a great way to counter!

Bench Press
5 (185)-5 (205)-5 (225)-5 (245 x 3, got help on 4)- (265 x 1 w/ help)

Compare to 11/06/10.

For time:
1/2 Down-back
10 Thrusters (35# db's)
1/2 Down-back
10 Push-ups
1/2 Down-back
10 KB Swings, 1 pood (1 x 35#sb)
1/2 Down-back
10 Push-ups
1/2 Down-back
10 Thrusters

JT and Becca Zahradnik said...

Bench Press:
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5
200 x 5

For time:
1/2 Down-back
10 Thrusters (40# db's)
1/2 Down-back
10 Push-ups
1/2 Down-back
10 KB Swings, 1 pood
1/2 Down-back
10 Push-ups
1/2 Down-back
10 Thrusters

Phil W said...

My eddy-cation thus far...
1. cycling left me weak in legs, hips, lower back
2. full body strength training REALLY helps above areas
3. Sharon W smokes at TSC!
4. Sugar is SO VERY BAD, yet sweets are impossible to resist
5. TSC is kids love holding their own class at home...taking turns leading! Priceless!
6. TSC allows us participate in new things
7. TSC allows us a better quality of life. Normal daily activities are easier and I feel great all the time.
Thank you for your teaching and motivation!

Lori G. said...

Onmy own at home (Aaron spotting)
bench press
45-5, 55-5, 60-5, 65-5, 70-2-f
It really works better pushing your feet into the ground...not waving them in the air!

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