Saturday 02/05/11

Don't forget - we will have an "Intro to the Bench Press" mini-session right after class today. It will only take 20-30 minutes, and we're going to be getting into some regular bench pressing in the coming weeks, so come for the 7:00 a.m. class and stick around to learn some more! This is intended for those who are new to TSC, but those who have experience with the bench press are also welcome to attend and brush up on their technique!

Also, next Saturday, we have a snatch seminar after class (see info below):

Snatch Seminar
Date: Saturday, 02/12/11
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (starts right after the Saturday morning class)
Cost: Free!
Why?  We'll be working on the snatch in the weeks following this seminar, and to make the most of our class time, we want to make sure everyone has an understanding of - and more exposure to - the correct technique.  Whether you've snatched before or not, we strongly encourage you to attend this seminar - the snatch is a technical lift, and the more exposure you have to it, the better off you'll be.  Future seminars will not always be free, so make the most of this opportunity.  It's your training - own it.

Skill Work


"Death by Tabata"
Perform 8 rounds of the following:
20 sec max rep deadlifts, 275#/185#
10 sec off
20 sec max rep burpees
10 sec off
(Courtesy of CF Football)

Each round lasts 1 minute, and the entire workout is done within 8 minutes. The score is the total number of reps performed.

Compare to 10/21/10.

Paul - working the pull-ups.


Unknown said...

OHS x 5
45-55-65-75-95 (went easy today)

Death by Tabatha
8 rounds
20 sec max rep deadlift (225#)
10 sec off
20 sec max burpees
10 sec off

Total = 55 reps (19dead/36burps

Lori G. said...

warm up 400m 3 rounds of 10 pullups and 10 push red

OHS warm up 10xorange pvc
and 5-33#

5-38, 5-38, 5-43, 3-f-f-43, 5-43

8 rounds for time
20 sec deadlift 103#
10 rest
20 burpees
10 rest


AndyB said...

5(115)-5(125)-5(135)-5(145)-5(155 x 4) *struggled w/ form*

"Death by Tabata"
Perform 8 rounds of the following:
20 sec max rep deadlifts, 275#/185#*225*
10 sec off
20 sec max rep burpees
10 sec off
(Courtesy of CF Football)

Each round lasts 1 minute, and the entire workout is done within 8 minutes. The score is the total number of reps performed.

Lori G. said...
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