Thursday 08/30/12

Skill work
Double-unders or HSPU's - you choose.

"The Crucible"
25 Pull-ups
50 Deadlifts, 135#/95#
50 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps, 24"/18"
50 KTE
50 Wall Ball Shots, 20#/14#
Run 400m
25 Pull-ups

"The Crucible" is modeled after a workout called "The 300," which is a workout that was performed by some of the actors and stuntmen involved in the movie "The 300." The reps add up to a total of 300, and there is a 400m run added in there for extra fun!

Finale:  Mob your calves for 3 minutes each.

Kathy cleaning from the hang position (specifically, this is 
often called the mid-hang position since the bar is at mid-thigh)

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