Saturday 05/25/13

Memorial Day - We will have class at 8:00 a.m. on Monday. The WOD will be a very special one that is hard, but a very fun one. We hope you can all make it!

Front Squat
2 x 5
1 x 5+

1:00 at each station, max reps. 1:00 rest between each station. Repeat for total of two rounds.
Tire Flips
OHS, 95#/63#
Box Jumps, 24"/18"
Bear Crawls, Down-back on BB court

Finale: Spend 2 minutes mobbing shoulders and bar mashing

The group running some hills
as a Finale. Great work!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Front Squat 2x5, 1x5+
5,5,10 155#

2 Rounds - As Many Reps As Possible

KB 16kg 26, 27
OHS 75# 15, 20
BoxJump 24" 17, 16
HSPU 16, 13
BearCrawl 1, 1 (down/back full court)

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