Thursday 10/16/14

Andy loves burpees . . . after all, who doesn't?!

BBG (off)
4 cycles of:
1. Double-unders/triple-unders
2. Kipping pull-up/CTB pull-up/bar muscle-up
3. L-sit (on parallettes or the floor)

Spend approximately 1:30 min working on each skill (so each cycle is approximately 4:30 plus transition time). Set a goal for each skill in the cycle.

Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

For time:
X Double-unders
21 Front Squats, 115#/75#
21 Push Presses, 115#/75#
X Double-unders
15 Front Squats, 115#/75#
15 Push Presses, 115#/75#
X Double-unders
9 Front Squats, 115#/75#
9 Push Presses, 115#/75#

X represents the number of double-unders performed (per "round") and can be 10, 25, 50, or 100. Choose . . . wisely. (Movie reference, anyone? Post to comments for imaginary bonus points!) CrossFit mainsite wrote this one with 100 double-unders, but a good way to choose would be to ensure that you can achieve your goal with 3 sets or less (when fresh). With that said, 10 is the minimum. Challenge yourself!

Pick at least 3 areas of your body (e.g., back, right hamstring, left hamstring) and roll 20 times/bodypart. One "down-and-back" with a roller or barbell counts as one roll. You can use the foam roller, large PVC pipe, Rumby, or a barbell.

1 comment:

AndyB said...

Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+ (235 x 5,4,&3)

For time:
X Double-unders*25*
21 Front Squats, *115#*/75#
21 Push Presses, 115#/75#
X Double-unders
15 Front Squats, 115#/75#
15 Push Presses, 115#/75#
X Double-unders
9 Front Squats, 115#/75#
9 Push Presses, 115#/75#


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