Monday 2015.01.26

Guess who's back!  Welcome back, Rowdy!

4 cycles of:
1. Handstand/HSPU
2. L-sit (on parallettes or the floor)

Spend approximately 1:30 min working on each skill/movement (so each cycle is approximately 3:00 plus transition time). Set a goal for each skill in the cycle.

Partner WOD
4 RFT, "Tosh" style:
5 Burpees
15 CTB Pull-ups
25 Goblet Squats, 1.5 pd/1 pd (DB equivalents: 55#/35#)

One partner completes an entire round and then rests while the other partner completes his/her round, etc. Each partner completes 4 rounds (individually), so a total of 8 rounds are completed by the partners together. Post times to comments.

2:00/leg in the couch stretch and 1:00/leg hamstring bar mash

1 comment:

AndyB said...

Partner WOD
4 RFT, "Tosh" style:
5 Burpees
15 CTB Pull-ups *1st round was CTB ... the rest were straight up kips)
25 Goblet Squats, *1.5 pd*/1 pd (DB equivalents: 55#/35#)
*21:47 w/ PTodd*

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