Saturday 2015.08.15

Phil gets after some clapping push-ups while Dawn, Tyler, and Ted hit up some goblet squats.

4 cycles of:
1. Static handstand (no handstand walking)
2. L-sit

Spend approximately 1:30 min working on each skill/movement (so each cycle is approximately 3:00). Set a goal for each skill in the cycle.

2 rounds AMReAP of:
1:00 KB Swings, 1.5 pood/1 pood
1:00 Rest
1:00 Squats
1:00 Rest
1:00 Burpees
1:00 Rest (Do not perform this rest at the end of the 2nd round since 5 minutes of rest is already planned.)

Rest 5:00

3 rounds for time of:
10 Box Jumps, 30"/24"
20 Pull-ups
30 Sit-ups

Compare to 2014.08.11.

50 TTB.  Get some quality mobility work done when taking breaks between TTB sets.

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