Saturday 2015.08.22

Post-metcon bliss . . . and Rachelle wanders into a room of dead people.

BBG (off)
A) 3 cycles of:
1. Strict Pull-ups, 3 x N
2. Static Handstand practice
3. 1-leg Linear Box Jumps, 3 x 5/leg

Spend approximately 1:30 min working on each skill (so each cycle is approximately 4:30 plus transition time). Set a goal for each skill in the cycle if a rep scheme is not provided.

B) Dynamic Push-ups (if time permits)
50 reps AFSAP (As Few Sets As Possible)

A) Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

B) Strict Pull-ups
3 x N

Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes, perform 1 round of the barbell Bear Complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press/Jerk
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press/Jerk from behind the neck

Go heavy, but also remember that the goal is to complete 1 round every 30 seconds for the whole 10 minutes. Your score is recorded as "X/Y," where X = # of rounds completed every 30 seconds and Y = # of rounds completed for the remainder of the 10 minute period.

Two other notes:
  1. For a round to be successful, once the barbell leaves the deck for the power clean, it may not return to the deck until the end of the round.
  2. Be sure to stand up fully from the power clean before beginning your front squat.
Compare to 2014.08.16.

Mob your shoulders for at least 2:00/arm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Two comments.. First, That picture is awesome. Second, love the barbell Metcons!

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