Tuesday 06/11/13

Endurance Class
Reminder:  Endurance classes meet at the Buffett Middle School track unless otherwise noted.

20 minute TT (time trial)
Choose a pace that you can maintain for the entire 20 minutes.  As always, please bring a watch to the endurance classes.

Finale:  50 Push-ups (as few sets as possible)

Joanne and Lauren rock the run, and Tracy gets some serious air!


AndyB said...

Agility Work and L-Sits: 4 sets of Lsits in sitting position ... rather than extended. 30 secs each set.

20 min of:
1 lap around the school (leaving and returning through the NE doors)
---then AMRAP of ---
6 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 135#/95# <115>
12 Box Jumps, 24"/18"
18 Squats

5+ <

AndyB said...

made thru burpees as part of 6th round

Unknown said...

I will not be able to make it to the endurance workout tonight.
"Good Luck! we're all counting on you......."

Anonymous said...

Endurance on Tuesday, June 11.

20 min run. 7.5 laps. Finished 8 laps in 21:10. I was aiming for 9 laps. I should have looked at my watch each lap to see if my time was on track. I'm not used to that; I just run, then see how much time I lasted!

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