Tuesday 07/23/13

Reminder: This Saturday is the race! Sign up here!

Endurance Class

5:00 on, rest 4:00
4:00 on, rest 3:00
3:00 on, rest 2:00
2:00 on, rest 1:00
1:00 on

Cover maximum distance for each interval.

Compare to 05/14/13.

Finale: Complete 50 Squats and 25 Push-ups, not for time.

Tyler getting push-ups done


Unknown said...

Endurance Class

5:00 on, rest 4:00
4:00 on, rest 3:00
3:00 on, rest 2:00
2:00 on, rest 1:00
1:00 on

Cover maximum distance for each interval.

1220 m
960 m
740 m
530 m
260 m

Total: 3,710

Finale: Complete 50 Squats and 25 Push-ups, not for time.

Rowdy said...

Endurance Class

5:00 on, rest 4:00
4:00 on, rest 3:00
3:00 on, rest 2:00
2:00 on, rest 1:00
1:00 on

Completed just shy of 9 laps

Finale: Completed 50 squats & 25 Push-ups

Anonymous said...

5:00 on, rest 4:00 2.2 laps
4:00 on, rest 3:00 1.8 laps
3:00 on, rest 2:00 1.4 laps
2:00 on, rest 1:00 .8 laps
1:00 on not quite .5 laps

total: approx 6.7 laps (wish I had stayed where I stopped each time instead of going back to the start)

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